
Supply Management

We help companies develop sourcing strategies for a sustainable future.

World-class procurement organizations can efficiently reduce a company’s purchasing cost base and deliver significant additional annual savings. We work closely with your team to identify and realize savings across all spend categories and procurement levers, and we build your organizational capabilities so you can sustain those gains over the long term. 

Our Method

In our experience, we have found that the best way to support your business is to first understand your business requirement. We then use the AQSCIR process to recommend the best options to meet your current and future business requirements.

The Business Requirements (AQSCIR) framework, based on the ‘staircase’ principle, allows a hierarchical analysis of business requirements to be undertaken. Understanding business requirements is an integral part of category management and will influence the eventual sourcing process in terms of route to the supply market, evaluation criteria and negotiation strategy. Each step in the process represents a potential business requirement which must be fully identified and scoped before commencing the next stage.

The AQSCIR Framework

Assurance of Supply and Regulatory Compliance

This deals with the guaranteed availability of  regulatory compliant goods/services taking into consideration certain factors of the resource supplier.

  • Location
  • Quantity
  • Turnover rates
  • Evidence of track record of the company supplying
  • Experience

Besides an assurance of supply, it is also important to ensure your organization is getting standard quality.


We also ensure that service is at optimum by keeping staff of your organization and the supplying company on the same page.


We also ensure sponsor and supplying companies are trading at the right cost price.

It is also beneficial to know the financial status of the supplier company. This is to ensure they are not supplying at costs that, while beneficial to the sponsor company, are also harming them. Such harmful compromise could end up cutting off the supply.


Innovation in technology solutions, study design, productivity, and more, are ways in which the procurement/supply process can always be improved and taken to worldclass standards.


Benefits of working with us

Third-Party Suppliers Management


Third-party supply management

The whole point of using third party suppliers is to allow companies to focus on what they are good at, leaving other tasks to the specialists in their own areas; and for that reason, many companies have a tendency to let their eyes off the ball when they offload work to their suppliers.

Companies want to focus on what they are good at and leave the rest to their “trusted” suppliers. Supplier failure can be due to a multitude of reasons; financial, operational, technology, disasters, fraud and the list can go on. But in the majority of cases, the underlying cause is usually a result of one of three failures which every organization has control over:

  1. Selecting the wrong supplier (due diligence failure)
  2. Selecting the right supplier but not being able to integrate them (project failure)
  3. Selecting the right supplier but not managing them appropriately (vendor management failure)
Solicitations, Negotiation and Drawing of Contracts

The negotiating and contracting phase establishes the basis and tone for a successful project. It is the time when expectations are established, the terms of engagement are framed, desired outcomes are outlined, and the tone is set for a successful relationship. A poorly conceived and executed process for negotiating and contracting is a precursur to misunderstandings, scope creep, and budget erosion, and yields products that fall short in content and schedule, no matter how capable the technical team. Conversely, a well conceived contracting process enables the project to proceed with confidence and clarity.

Clear and fortright communication is critical for setting expectations and defining deliverables in managing professional services. Negotiating is focused on cost and conditions of service while contracting establishes the legal roadmap for executing and delivering that service. The contracting process at its best ensures that a contract does not impede the ability of the parties to fulfill their contractual obligations. The negotiating and contracting phase is the time when decisions are made regarding how much control is executed, how much risk is maintained or transferred, and the extent to which innovation can be encouraged and rewarded.

Issue Requests for Proposal (RFP’s) and Requests for Quotation (RFQ’s) to customers

An RFQ is usually the first step in submitting a request for proposal (RFP). These two documents are similar as they provide details of the project or services required, but RFQs generally ask for a more comprehensive price quote. Also, businesses usually design RFQs for generic products in which the quantity needed is known, and RFPs are for unique, niche projects where quantities and specifications are unknown.

RFPs outline the bidding process and contract terms, and provide guidance on how bids should be formatted and presented. They are generally reserved for complex projects. These requests specify the nature of the project and the evaluation criteria disclosing how proposals are graded. Requests may include a statement of work, describing tasks to be performed by the winning bidder and a timeline for providing finished work. They also include information on the issuing organization and its line of business.

Door-to-Door Delivery Service

Door-to-door delivery services might have multiple interpretations and different schools of thought, but it makes fulfillment and logistics a much easier task for you. If you haven’t yet, reach out to us and start delivering your products door-to-door soon! It will make your business much more sorted, and customers super satisfied. 

Supplier Sourcing, Segmenting and profiling

Some vendors are more vital to the business than others and need a higher level of engagement. By segmenting vendors, i.e. by classifying each one using pre-agreed criteria, we can decide upon an appropriate level of attention needed to ensure that they deliver superior service or products to us.

By then tailoring our efforts and resources we can identify which vendors can help us most to create a competitive advantage.

Portfolio analysis and management

Portfolio management requires the ability to weigh strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats across the full spectrum of investments. The choices involve trade-offs, from debt versus equity to domestic versus international and growth versus safety.

Supplier and market research; gathers information from a variety of source

Supplier research and market analysis, taken together, provide the basis to understand the available products and services, qualified potential suppliers, and market for product and services.

Let us help you with your procurements, sourcing. and supplies.

Get in touch with us now

We can deliver with that professional touch that your organization deserves. Contact us now for further enquiry.

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11 Jaiye Oyedotun Street, Magodo, Lagos